
分享 儿童故事下载www.61xiazai.com
asia专家 2018-5-10 21:04
儿童故事下载www.61xiazai.com 儿童下载网提供儿歌下载,儿童故事下载,儿童歌曲下载等儿童早教资源下载,儿童故事、儿歌等资源有mp3下载和mp4视频下载两种格式,打包下载更方便!
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分享 车载音乐下载网www.chezai365.com
asia专家 2018-5-10 21:03
车载音乐下载网www.chezai365.com 提供车载音乐打包下载,车载MV下载,车载劲爆dj舞曲下载,是爱好车载音乐的汽车车主下载车载音乐的好网站
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分享 DEDECMS调用导航栏的顶级栏目、二级栏目
模板网 2017-12-29 15:14
{dede:channelartlist type='top' row='10'} li class="dropdown margin-left-0 nav1" a class ...
557 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 丑陋的易名义拍《不一样的wang 不一样的情》投机者恶劣诈捐! ...
海龙王 2017-12-29 02:14
事件评论出自易名贴子! http://www.dnbbs.com/thread-1230322-1-1.html 尊敬的易名用户: 正值“双dan”期间,正当大家都沉浸在过节的欢乐时光中,有一位米友却正在为自己宝宝的健康而心急如焚。他是我们平台的米友: 风之容颜 ,是两个新生双胞胎宝宝的父亲。两个刚诞生的新生命,却一降世就面临健康的危 ...
991 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 车网 che.cn
张无影 2017-11-25 09:50
车网 che.cn ,终于有内容了! http://www.che.cn
487 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 推力子假说:假设宇宙中存在某种微子,称它为推力子
Web3.0博士 2017-11-13 18:14
推力子假说:我们的宇宙中存在充分多的某种微子,我们称它为推力子 推力子假说:我们的宇宙中存在充分多的某种微子,我们称它为推力子:局域坐标系下以真空中的光速运行(或者说比真空中的光速快充分小),各个位置各个方向都有,质量充分小但不等于零。这种微子由于遇到一个物体后受到阻碍,于是作用在这个物体背 ...
631 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Thrustino Hypothesis: suppose a kind of micro particles in universe
Web3.0博士 2017-11-13 18:13
"Thrustino Hypothesis": suppose there is a kind of micro particles in our universe, called "thrustino" (or "thruston"), they run at the speed of light in vacuum in local coordinate system, in all positions, all directions, their mass is sufficiently small,, a bit like neutrino. When they encounter ...
541 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Thruston Hypothesis: suppose a kind of micro particles in universe
Web3.0博士 2017-11-13 18:12
"Thruston Hypothesis": suppose there is a kind of micro particles in our universe, called "thruston" (or "thrustino"), they run at the speed of light in vacuum in local coordinate system, in all positions, all directions, their mass is sufficiently small,, a bit like neutrino. When they encounter a ...
519 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 "Thruston Hypothesis"\\ see the other page
北航免费主页 2017-11-11 18:06
seehttps://club.domain.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=185961do=blogid=78264 "Thruston Hypothesis": suppose there is a kind of micro particles in our universe, called "thruston" (or "thrustino"), they run at the speed of light in vacuum in local coordinate system, in all positions, all dir ...
608 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
分享 "Thrustino Hypothesis"\\ see the other page
北航免费主页 2017-11-11 18:03
seehttps://club.domain.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=185961do=blogid=78265 "Thrustino Hypothesis": suppose there is a kind of micro particles in our universe, called "thrustino" (or "thruston"), they run at the speed of light in vacuum in local coordinate system, in all positions, all di ...
505 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1

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