
(文件)VincentLiao雜記:推薦網站_大陸的豆丁_docin.com_網路文件分享 ... ...

已有 183 次阅读2011-6-29 17:35


豆丁 ==) http://docin.com


pdf ==) pdf_reader
doc ==) microsoft_word
ppt ==) microsoft_powerpoint

一堆這類的問題, 如果有個網站把資料都轉成可以在網路瀏覽器上觀看, 
個人的電腦就不用裝一大堆的軟體, 來對應到不同的資料型態...

docin.com 採用分享的方式, 只是有扯上錢與版權問題, 現階段網站的經營還是一堆問題

個人只是推薦其點子, 用網路閱讀的方式, 可以解決個人電腦安裝軟體的所有問題

老外版的豆丁 ==) http://docstoc.com


Docstoc is the premier online business for the best quality and widest selection of documents used to start, grow, and manage your professional life and small business. Docstoc provides the platform to upload and share documents with the world, and serves as a vast repository of free and for purchase legal, business, financial, technical, and educational documents that can be easily searched, previewed and downloaded.

Docstoc also provides technology through various APIs and Widgets to help facilitate the sharing and promotion of documents across the web. The site has popularized the use of embedding documents throughout the blogosphere and mainstream media (http://docstoc.com/embed-documents)

Docstoc, Inc., was founded by Jason Nazar (bio) and Alon Shwartz (bio). The company was selected in September of 2007 to debut its product at the prestigious TechCrunch40 Conference. The platform was subsequently launched to the public in October 2007.

Docstoc is a venture backed company (Rustic Canyon) and received funding from the co-founders/investors in MySpace, LowerMyBills, Mp3.com, PriceGrabber and Baidu. Its outside legal counsel is DLA Piper. The company is located in Santa Monica, CA.







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